Return Policy


What's the Return & Refund Policy?

Our printing company, NovaTomato, is proud to deliver premium quality products to our customers. If the product you received does not meet the quality standards and specifications stated on our website, we will replace the item or refund you.

NOTE: Please be aware that since our products are made to order, we cannot accept returns or exchanges if your customer ordered the wrong size, color or simply doesn’t like the product.

If there is a quality problem with the product you have received, please contact our Customer Care within 30 days of product delivery. We offer free replacements or a refund for damaged products or manufacturing errors.

What’s the return address?

    If there is any problem with your order, please reach out to our Customer Care first. We will not be able to process any returned items without a return request authorized by our Customer Care team.

    How long does a refund take?

      After the refund request is approved, it takes 3-5 working days for our teams to process it. The amount of time varies based on the original payment method. If you paid with a bank account or your PayPal balance, refunds could take 3-5 days. If you paid with a credit or debit card, refunds could take up to 30 days (based on the card company).